Welcome to the Scorpion STEAM Academy (SSA) at Nevada State University, where creativity and innovation meet!
SSA provides an engaging introductory experience for students interested in exploring skills and careers. Experienced instructors will guide students through a range of topics within their selected course. Additionally, expert speakers and educational field trips may take students behind the scenes of some of the most innovative and exciting companies within STEAM fields.
To learn more about Scorpion STEAM Academy programming, view the program informational sheet and camp flyer.
Enroll in the Scorpion STEAM Academy today and discover your creativity, skill, and future career in the ever-evolving world of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.
Scorpion STEAM Academy at Nevada State University supports the development and growth of a diverse community of young STEAM learners through innovative and engaging experiences which promote the acquisition of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills that will enhance students’ personal, academic, and professional career success while meeting the needs of tomorrow’s workforce.
Participants of these STEAM programs will:
- Experience academic enrichment, self-growth, and leadership development.
- Discover a range of educational pathways that lead to STEAM occupations, including, magnet programs, career and technical education opportunities and certifications, college/university degrees, and advanced degrees.
- Discover a range of career pathways in STEAM fields through educational and extracurricular experiences.
Scorpion STEAM Academy is under the direction of the Director of Workforce Development with daily operations being managed by the Program Coordinator for Workforce Development; both are full-time administrative faculty positions. Additionally, all staff members (e.g., instructors, counselors) are employees of NSHE’s Nevada State University, undergo a comprehensive background check prior to hire, and are certified in CPR/AED and First Aid in preparation for the camps. Volunteers, if any, are generally high school students under 18 years of age and are always supervised by a staff member.
Nevada State University | Workforce Development
1300 Nevada State Drive, Henderson, Nevada 89002 702-992-2495
Scorpion STEAM Academy’s week-long day camps provide an engaging introductory experience for elementary- and middle-school students (grades 3-8) interested in learning new skills while exploring academic and career pathways in STEAM fields. Additionally, SSA is intended to mitigate summer learning loss through academically enriching programming that can decrease achievement gaps.
Be sure to CREATE AN ACCOUNT to register your child/children in our programs; parents may use the same email account for multiple students so long as the username is different. Feel free to contact us with any questions during the enrollment process. . Feel free to contact us with any questions during the enrollment process.
- Registration information (e.g., name, age) should correspond to the participant (grades 3-8th) that will be enrolled in the academy. Enrollment of multiple children requires that each individual have their own account.
- Enrollment is available online on a rolling basis, provided seats remain within a scheduled section/promotion, and may close the week prior to each session's start date.
- Participants should only register for one course per week. Drop/swap changes can be made up to the class start date. A small administrative fee (no more than $10) may apply for changes completed by staff.
Scorpion STEAM Academy camps take place annually, between June and July, on the Nevada State University campus in Henderson, Nevada (unless otherwise stated). The most recent camp schedule is as follows:

*Note that the University campus and camps will be closed on State holidays (i.e., Juneteenth and July 4th).
Camps are held Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM daily (unless otherwise noted). Students participate in daily course-based, hands-on learning activities designed to encourage their creativity and problem-solving skills. Participants can expect to participate in approx. 5-6 hours of lessons and activities per day plus 2-3 hours in demonstrations or discussions led by education/industry professionals per week.
- Drop-Off and Pick-Up. Extended stay fees will be charged for early drop-off or late pick-up during the 2025 camp season; within the provided timeframes. SSA registered participants may be dropped off no earlier than 7:30 AM and should be picked up no later than 5:30 PM daily. Information on Pick-Up & Drop-Off Procedures can be found within the “Policies, Forms, Documents” section below.
- “Before-School” and “After-School” Programming. Students will have the opportunity to participate in various activities before and after camps. Parents are encouraged to invite their student to participate in the After-School Programming as these are campus and organizational partners who have dedicated their afternoons to teaching short STEAM lessons. The summer Before & After School Schedule can be found within the “Policies, Forms, Documents” section below.
- Lunch Information and Menu. Lunch will be provided during the 2025 camp season; students are encouraged to bring daily snacks. When not interested in the daily lunch offerings, parents should send students with a packed lunch and/or be prepared to purchase items from the Scorpion Café on the Nevada State campus. The recurrent Lunch Menu can be found within the “Policies, Forms, Documents” section below.
Each weekly enrollment, unless otherwise stated, will offer students the opportunity to participate in a day-long field trip. These educational field trips are intended to allow students to learn from various organizations around the greater Las Vegas valley.
- Field trips, unless otherwise stated, will take place weekly on Wednesdays during the 2025 camps. The program’s Field Trip Schedule can be found within the “Policies, Forms, Documents” section below.
- Busses will depart promptly at 9:00 AM from and return by 4:00 PM to the Nevada State campus; late students may coordinate with program staff to meet the group at the partner location(s).
Early registration is encouraged since registration costs increase as the program dates approach. Note that course costs are reflective of when participants register, not when the course is to take place.
Costs reflect the registration fees per participant per weeklong camp. The following fee schedule is approved for all Summer 2025 camp sessions, unless otherwise stated:
Limited to the first 100 enrollments.
Weekly Cost: $300*
Promo Code: SSAPROMO25
Feb. to May 24, 2025
Weekly Cost: $350*
Promo Code: SSAEARLY2025
May 25, 2025 onward
Weekly Cost: $400*
Applicable promotional discounts will apply while supplies last and/or during the published time period.
*Note that a $25 non-refundable administrative fee is included in the cost of each individual camp.
The below promotional vouchers are available during the current camp session:
Enroll a participant for any two (2) camps for a total price of $650. Be sure to review camp dates and available offerings prior to purchase. Limited number of passes available; promotion valued at $800.
Purchase Promotional Pass Here
Enroll a single participant in up to eight (8) camps during the Summer 2025 session, for a total price of $2,200 (or $275/camp); includes early arrival and extended stay. Limited number of passes available; promotion valued at $3,200 for entire camp.
Purchase Promotional Pass Here
Online payments are a convenient, secure, and easy way to pay for your registration charges. To make payments, please log into your CampusCE student account. Current methods of payment accepted online include Visa, Master Card, and American Express.
You may pay through check and/or money order; funds may be withdrawn from your account the day we receive your payment. Please make checks payable to Board of Regents and include your CampusCE student identification number in the memo line. If making payment by mail, do not send cash, send checks to Nevada State University, Workforce Development, 1300 Nevada State Drive, Henderson, NV 89002.
Click on a camp image below to view upcoming enrollment availability.
Course descriptions and outcomes for Scorpion STEAM Academy offerings are available below; current and past instructor syllabi are available for your review. You can then click on the camp image within the description to view availability and to enroll.
Unlock the world of computer systems, programming, and coding with our immersive programming camp! Discover your passion for computer science as you explore the basics of computer technology through a variety of exciting projects and learn the art of creative problem-solving and effective communication using computers.
- Illustrate coding ability using a block programming language and Arduino basics.
- Diagnose and modify code to debug and clean programs.
- Collaborate with classmates to solve mazes using robots.
ACTIVITIES: Coding Basics: Basic Programming Languages and Intro to Arduino; Hardware & Components; Sensors
TOPICS: Engineering | Programming | Circuits
Course Outline: 2024 (June, July), 2023
Embark on a journey through the intricate web of our planet's ecosystems by exploring the delicate balance between human activity and nature! Unite with like-minded individuals to safeguard our planet as you become stewards of the environment and champions of conservation.
- Recognize the importance of biodiversity and the interconnection of all living organisms in an ecosystem.
- Recall concepts of sustainable development while practicing balancing environmental factors.
- Discuss different ecosystems such as forests, aquatic, grasslands, deserts.
- Analyze why climate change exists and how it affects ecosystems and biodiversity.
- Identify careers involving STEM and different research.
ACTIVITIES: Understanding UV-Solar Powered Bracelets; Water Conservation - Sustainability Challenge; Plants! - Seedling activity
TOPICS: Environmental Science | Ecology | Conservation
Course Outline: 2024
Examine the captivating world of nanotechnology through a study of the fundamentals of the physical sciences! Uncover the wonders of the nano-scale through an exhilarating journey to discover its impact on our world.
- Distinguish between a chemical and physical change.
- Describe how small the nano world is.
- Apply knowledge of the nano world to solve a design challenge.
- Identify career paths related to nanotechnology.
ACTIVITIES: Oobleck; Solar Oven; Chromatography; Soda Geyser
TOPICS: Nanotechnology | Materials Science | Thermodynamics
Course Outline: 2024
Demonstrate confidence in your technical and creative ability by bringing three-dimensional design ideas to life. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of 3D printing through practical uses of cutting-edge technologies.
- Examine 3D printing (3DP) which brings computer aided designs (CAD) to life.
- Employ CURA software and various tunable parameters associated with a 3D printer.
- Identify supports, bed adhesion, tolerancing, and safe practices of operating a 3D printer.
- Experiment with troubleshooting and maintenance of a 3D printer.
ACTIVITIES: Basic Coding; 3D Printing; Object Design; Puzzles; Class Projects
TOPICS: Engineering | CAD | Materials Science
Course Outline: 2024,
Ignite your curiosity and creativity while learning about coding, circuits, and communication systems with our robotics camp! Explore how basic principles of engineering and computer science as you build and program your own functioning robots while discovering their cutting-edge technology applications.
- Construct a robot using the VexIQ robotics kit.
- Apply basic math and physics concept in the construction of simple machines.
- Use simple computer coding concepts in the construction and programming of robots.
ACTIVITIES: Introduction to Robotics: Robots in Society and Applications of Robotics; Programming in Robotics; Hardware and Components of Robots; Basic Math and Physics; Building and Competing
TOPICS: Engineering | Robotics | Coding
Course Outline: 2024 (June, July), 2023
Dive into the wonders of the world with our natural and physical sciences camp! Utilize the scientific method through exiting and interactive experiments to uncover the mysteries of the universe as you learn how science impacts our daily lives.
- Students will explore how mindset impacts us as scientist.
- Students will explore cells and their structures that make them function properly.
ACTIVITIES: Various Challenges
TOPICS: Chemistry | Life Sciences | Physics
Course Outline: 2024
Immerse yourself in the ultimate investigative adventure with our forensic science camp! Uncover the truth by decoding clues to a range of mysteries using fascinating scientific tools and techniques used by real-world detectives to solve cases.
- Describe the steps of a criminal investigation.
- Identify different types of forensic approaches.
- Collect, analyze, and interpret forensic evidence.
- Pinpoint pathways to careers in forensic science.
ACTIVITIES: Understanding the Investigative Process; Documenting a Crime Scene; Examining Evidence; Solving a Crime
TOPICS: Forensic Science | Physical Sciences
Course Outline: 2024, 2023
Unleash your creative spirit through traditional and digital mediums as you craft, design, and create vibrant artworks inspired by science, technology, and the surrounding environment! Experiment with a variety of materials, from paint and clay to digital tools, with this exciting opportunity to bring your artistic vision to life.
- Students will experience how math and science intersect with art through both processes and subject matter.
- Students will compose artworks in 2D and 3D using a variety of media.
- Students will demonstrate use of a grid method to copy and enlarge images.
- Students will demonstrate observation and detail in their artwork.
- Students will demonstrate shading in drawings.
ACTIVITIES: Drawing objects using full-value shading; Drawing with experimental utensils; Sodium chloride reaction watercolor painting; Air-propelled ink drawings; 3D Design: tower models; Block printing; Room layout design drawings; Nature observation sketching
TOPICS: Traditional Art | Digital Media | Graphic Design | Production
Course Outline: 2024, 2023
Start your journey to becoming a healthcare superhero with our medical sciences camp! Delve into the exciting world of medical researchers and clinicians as you explore the roles that science, technology, and engineering play in maintaining healthy societies.
- Apply the scientific method to explore new topics.
- Design solutions to current problems in medicine.
- Demonstrate important medical skills including CPR.
- Create models of different body systems.
- Collaborate with peers to accomplish STEAM based projects.
ACTIVITIES: Stop the Bleed and CPR; Vital Signs; Suturing; Blood Typing; Macronutrients and Balanced Meals; Modeling of the Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Skeletal Systems; Exploration of Medical Conditions; Applications in Engineering
TOPICS: Medical Sciences | Nutrition | Public Health
Course Outline: 2023
- Students will explore how mindset impacts us as scientist and engineers.
- Students will explore bridge building and the components that make an effective bridge.
ACTIVITIES: Various Challenges; Engineering Design
TOPICS: Engineering | Architecture
Course Outline: 2023
General Registration & Waiver of Liability Forms | Individuals participating in any University-sponsored activity must complete a waiver form prior to, and in order to, participating in any programs. Forms must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian for participants under the age of eighteen. (archive: 2023)
Pick-Up & Drop-Off Procedures | Camp Location & Information (archive: 2023)
Field Trip Schedule | Weekly field trips, unless otherwise stated in the course description, will be hosted by partner organizations.
Weekly Lunch Menu | Lunch menu will repeated on a weekly basis and offered to all participants of the Summer 2025 camps.
Before-School & After-School Programming Schedule | Activities may take place during early drop-off and late pick-up of students; participants are encouraged to partake in After-School Programming presented by our academic and career partners.
SSA Camp Expectations | Scorpion STEAM Academy (SSA) students and parents shall review and accept the camp expectations and requirements; program attendance signifies acceptance of the policies outlined.
Code of Conduct | Participants of programs offered through the Division of Workforce Development at Nevada State are expected to adhere to a conduct code. If any issue is not addressed, the NSHE Rules of Conduct and Procedures for Students will govern the matter.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Review answers to frequently asked questions about our camps.
updated: 2025-01-29